各位朋友大家好,今天是西洋情人節!感覺最近還滿常過節日的呢。在這裡硬客為大家送上一個祝賀小短片,不論有沒有對象,大家都要過一個圓滿的情人節喔。 還有,每年的情人節也是硬客的母親的生日,所以在這裡也要跟媽媽說聲:「生日快樂!」
Hello my friends, it's Valentine's day today! Just realized there's so many holidays recently in Taiwan. Here is a little animation clip that I have made to celebrate this special day. Whether you are single or coupled, wish you all a good day today!
The Valentine's day is also my mother's birthday, so happy birthday to mom!